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Light and Dark - Class Panda

Date Posted : 23/01/2018

We have had a fantastic week settling into our daily phonics and maths lessons but most of all we are very keen to get started on our new topic of Light and Dark.  We have already learned some facts about our sun and talked about night time (nocturnal) animals.  We looked up facts about the sun in non fiction books. We know the sun shines less in winter which makes it colder and darker. We read Winnie the Witch in Winter and talked about what we have to do to keep warm in winter. Have a look at our new display of winter friends with their fabulously patterned gloves, hats and scarves! We read a lovely story about Big Bear and Little Bear who live in their Bear Cave and Little Bear doesn't like the dark! Big Bear fetches different sized lanterns to light up the Bear Cave and finally he takes Little Bear to see the moon. We know that the moon shines but the sun gives us light.  Did you know that the moon just shines like a mirror as the sun bounces its light off the rocky surface of the moon? The moon doesn't have a light of its own. It has been a busy first week of term with lots of stories and facts to think about. Our new reward chart is Yoda, a Jedi Master from Star Wars and we want to be as wise, calm and clever as Yoda. Next week we will continue to explore Light and Dark and continue to be amazing scientists.