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Class Penguins - New Year 2019

Date Posted : 18/01/2019

Happy New Year from Class Penguin

We return to the classroom to find a few changes and some interesting new additions to our resources (a pirate ship and some dragons).  We also have more space to draw on the big whiteboard and a bigger table for mark making. The Year Ones have an even longer table to work and make crafts on.

We have been learning about winter weather as the seasons change. We identified how we humans change our behaviour to help us adapt to the cold of winter.  We have been outdoors making good use of our warm hats and gloves and the Year Ones made a 'Winter Friend' for our display with hats and scarves on.

Our routine has changed a little too, to help us try new activities and make new friends. On Tuesday and Wednesday mornings the Reception children will play in small groups in one of the five areas of the classroom. They must stay in that area and work with their group. This has been really good fun as the children have been very excited to settle into new ways to play together.  We have also been learning some weather themed Makaton with Mr Tumble! I wonder how much we can remember?