Symmetrical aliens
Whilst most of year 4 and 5 are away at Robinwood the rest of key...
Click on a category below to view archived blogs in that category:
Whilst most of year 4 and 5 are away at Robinwood the rest of key...
This half term Shane from the Shelley Pyramid Sports Partnership will be delivering PE lessons...
KS2 have been exploring 2 and 3D shapes in outdoor maths. We made shapes using...
Our Young Voices choir really enjoyed the concert at the Sheffield Arena earlier this month. ...
The children from Class Caribbean also visited Skelmanthorpe Heritage Centre last month and took part in...
The children from Class Pacific visited Skelmanthorpe Heritage Centre last month. They took part in...
Our new cycle of Creative Curriculum we are continuing our design theme. The children are decorating...
Our Year 5 pupils represented themselves and our school beautifully at Birds Edge on the...
Our year 5 librarians are very happy to be back helping the younger pupils in...
In Science this week Year 5 conducted an experiment to investigate how shadows change as...
The first cycle of creative curriculum has been full of creativity and fun. We have...
The children went in their classes across to St Nicholas Church. They took part in...
Well done to the KS2 children that attended Shelley College last week to take part...
The children in Class Bear went on a visit to the River Dearne, Upper Cumberworth...
Class Eagle went on a visit to the River Dearne, Upper Cumberworth in May, as...
Year 5 enjoyed a transition event run by Hand to Mouth at Flockton Church. They...
Earlier this month most of year 5 took part in the Bikeability course. They learnt how...
The Year 4 and 5 children spent 3 days at the Dobroyd Castle Robinwood Activity...
Class Eagle had a fabulous time looking at the different features of their very own...
The Year 1 children have been learning about instructions and imperative verbs - ‘bossy verbs’....
Class Penguin have made some colourful Easter crosses. ...
Some of our EY/KS1 children attended Shelley College on Tuesday to take part in the...
Class Bear had a great time investigating the different courses of a river geography. They...
In creative curriculum, KS2 have started a new cycle of art and design technology lessons,...
Well done to the KS2 children, they all worked really hard to learn their lines...
Well done to all the children for their hard work in the Easter Service, they...
In science, Year 3 have been studying plants. In today’s lesson, the class spent time...
Class Penguin spent an afternoon investigating some surprises within the provision, working together to make,...
As part of PE Class Bear have been learning some Bollywood dance moves. It really...
This week, Key Stage 2 took part in an online event with the author and...
On Thursday 10th March we joined with other local organisations and ‘turned Kirklees pink for...
The EY/KS1 children have been having a fantastic time in After School Dance club....
As part of Key Stage 2s continuing topic of Ancient Egypt Mrs Hobson arranged a...
Class Eagle have been practising for our Easter Service. If you fancy a sneak preview...
It was lovely to see Brian and Margaret back supporting us with collective worship after...
Mr Bradford, one of our student teachers, taught Class Puffin's music lesson this week. Working...
Coaches from the Shelley Pyramid Sports Partnership were in school on Tuesday. The Year 3...
Sports coaches from the Shelley Pyramid Sports Partnership were in school today delivering Multiskills to...
The Reception children had a brilliant time at lunchtime gymnastics club today....
Last week Class Bear visited Bagshaw Museum. All the children really enjoyed themselves and took...
Last week Class Eagle visited Bagshaw Museum. The children enjoyed taking part in the activities...
The Year 2 children enjoyed a very busy PE lesson last week....
The birdboxes that we painted have been placed in Upper and Lower Stephen Woods. If you would...
Some of the Year 5s led an assembley about St Nicholas last week....
Mr McKay's class enjoyed the sunshine and outside space whilst learning and practising Basketball skills....
One of the coaches from Thongsbridge Tennis Club visited school last week to work with Reception...
Our Reception children enjoyed their outdoor Maths session earlier this month. Their task was to find and...
Class Bear are really enjoying learning to play the African drums and learning about rhythm,...
As part of our work with our local countryside officer, we have designed and painted...
Class Bear practised their throwing and catching skills during P.E. in the sunshine today ready...
Ella, a coach from Utopia gymnastics, led our Year 3 & 4 PE lesson on...
Some of our Year 5 children attended the lunchtime gymnastics club run by Ella from...
The Year 2s enjoyed taking part in the lunchtime gymnastics club run by Ella from...
The children and staff enjoyed a lovely Christmas Dinner on Wednesday. ...
The Year 3 children in Class Eagle have been learning about fossils. The class explored...
In Science year 5 have been investigating how we can separate mixtures. They have a...
In the workshop after the performance of Skylar's Missing Note the year 2 children all...
The children in classes Penguin and Puffin had a fablulous time watching the performance of...
Our whole school remembered all those who lost their lives in conflict on Remembrance Day. ...
Thank you for supporting the T4U shoebox appeal. We collected 38 boxes....
In Sunshine club the children did some beautiful artwork based on poppies. We remembered and...
In Year 2 we are starting to learn about instructional texts. We are working in...
A small group of Year 5 led our assembly about World Peace. Despite a minor...
4 times a week Class Bear do a daily run around our track. This helps...
Class Eagle enjoyed a very energetic and non-stop PE lesson this week....
Class Eagle have been writing setting descriptions in their literacy lessons. As part of this...
Class Puffin’s second step to a successful self-portrait - drawing an outline of their face...
Class Puffin’s first step to a successful self-portrait – applying a colour paint wash to...
Year 2 have been investigating the variety of ways a value of money can be...
Year 1 and 2 have been enjoying their new computing lessons on a Wednesday afternoon. ...
Class Puffin have been mixing secondary colours from primary coloured paint. They have learnt how to...
This week in year 3 french we have been taste testing a variety of french...
In Science we are learning about the digestive system. The children enjoyed replicating the journey...
Year 5 have been exploring what makes them and other people unique. They have some...
In science Class Puffin have been classifying food into red, amber, green and investigating the...
Reception had a fantastic time in their first tricky word session last week and they...
Mrs Easons Year 1s really enjoyed a diverse busy fingers session....
This week in outdoor maths (which was in indoor because of the weather) we have...
Our first Creative Curriculum lesson of the year happened on Thursday. Mrs Vernoum’s group were...
Reception Penguins are continuing to settle in and practise what they already know. They are...
Class Bear have had a wonderful first week back and have already produced some amazing...
Year 1 have been working hard in their PE lesson....
Our EY and KS1 children enjoying their morning break....
Look at us having a fantastic time in Sunshine club!...
The children have had a great time trying out our amazing new trim trail!...
The children who will be joining us in Reception in September came to visit school...
As part of class Koala's design technology they have been designing their own fruit smoothies....
In outdoor maths today year 3 have been learning about symmetry. We looked at symmetry...
The children in Class Panda were set a challenge to make pirate ships and steal...
Year 5 practiced their spelling this week with a quick game of scrabble....
Class China’s Gardening Gang have done such a good job growing salad for us all...
Class China have loved practicing their coordinate and compass skills in outdoor maths by drawing...
We all enjoyed taking part in the Young Voices Biggest Sing. First we got our...
We made 3D shapes from art straws to help us remember their properties....
Year 2 have been trialing a new spelling practise platform. We think they like it!...
This week, in creative curriculum, Class Australia made their very own clay dragons! Following on...
Our Year 5 children are back with the second instalment of the Cumberworth Chronical....
For P.E. this week Class China has been practising for Sports' Day. They worked brilliantly...
Fab writing just look at our ? , and detailed descriptions....
A group of children in Class China were very keen to get our allotment up...
In our Year 4 science lesson we continued learning about electricity by making circuits that...
Year 1 enjoyed learning some hockey skills during a recent PE lesson....
Class Panda were dancing and keeping active whilst they learned a few Spanish words. ...
Class China had a very active and enthusiastic game of dodgeball when the heavy rain...
Our Year 1 children have been practising their batting skills in PE....
In Class Australia, we are well on our way to completing our friendly monsters. Following...
In Year 3, we have been all wiggles and giggles as we learnt about the...
Class Panda painted Giraffes and enjoyed dancing to Giraffes can’t dance. ...
Class Panda painted giraffes and enjoyed dancing to Giraffes Can’t Dance. ...
Class China wishes everyone a Happy Easter in French. They have learnt about Easter traditions...
Class Australia have been busy getting ready for Easter! We've learnt about the 14 Stations...
Year 5 have been investigating friction in science. They worked as teams to discover the...
A few Year 5’s decided that they would like to write a newspaper style blog...
Class Australia have been continuing their exploration of all things 'Potter' and within a recent...
Inspired by the book Charlotte's Web the children in Class China drew spiders, created webs...
Our Reception children have been busy this week in their Busy Finger session. The children...
Year 5 had their first taste of ratio this week using coloured bottle tops and...
We enjoyed performing Follow the Star....
Today the children and staff enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner....
We have been making calendars to take home....
On Friday the children all took part in The Kirkwood Reindeer Run. All the children had...
Class Australia have been using their writing skills to produce some wonderful winter poems....
Thank you to everyone who was able to donate a shoebox to the Shoebox Appeal....
Our school councillors from Class China did a fantastic job decorating our Christmas Tree in...
Class Australia had fun playing in the snow on Friday....
Thank you to Helping Hands for organising their ‘reverse advent calendar’ to support local families,...
Class Australia have been developing their computer coding skills by using ‘Block Coding’ commands within...
This morning Year 5 have been learning how to play Chess. Some pupils already knew...
Year 5 were unable to attend a Remembrance service this year but we still took...
Today at 11am we observed the 2 minutes silence, and remembered those who made the...
We continue to take part in our daily run as a way to increase our...
WOW! Look at the work Class China have done to design and make their very...
Yr 2 had their PE lesson outside today. They learnt how to serve, volley and...
Year One made their own 2d shapes with straight sides in maths, we made rockets,...
In Year 3, children have been investigating friction and experimenting with which surfaces have the...
Class Australia made their own Pete Cromer inspired artwork. They look great on display around...
Would you like a dragon as a pet? If so, read the reports that Class...
In creative curriculum, children from Class Australia have been learning about Ndebele art and the...
As part of our RE, we were very excited to welcome baby Elijah to our...
We had great game of Indoor Silent Rounders in PE....
Year One had to work hard in PE last week. They started by balancing a...
Class Koala have enjoyed being creative this term. The displays in our classroom look brilliant. ...
We are Class China and this is our Dragon of Discovery – he’s amazing isn’t...
Class China have been creating their own Willow Pattern plates....
We’ve been talking about germs and the Yr 1 children in Class Panda decorated some...
Class Panda have enjoyed a very creative start to the term. We created our own...
This week Year 5 conducted experiments into properties and changes of materials. They mixed vitamin...
Our Reception children had fun this week doing the 'Barnyard Boogie'. Once they had all...
Class Koala having fun at playtime....
In our art lessons over the last few weeks Class China have been introduced to...
Guided Reading in the gym with Mrs Vernoum and Mrs Gibbins....
Class Austrailia had a very busy PE lesson....
Some of Class China have been doing a fantastic job at gardening in the Sensory...
Our Year 4 children have been working hard in French this week with Mrs Vernoum...
Our year 3 children have been working hard in their Comprehension lessons with Mr McKay...
Class Koala having fun at playtime!...
The Year 1 children have been working really hard in their Maths lessons with Mrs...
Our Reception children have been having fun in Maths this week learning about patterns....
If you wish to use some additional resources to support reading Oxford Owl have lots...
Resources for children and young people with worries or concerns about cornovirus. See document in...
What goes up…...... must come down! Year 5 were challenged to discover how to drop an...
Thankfully the sun shone today so that Year 5 could investigate air resistance whilst taking...
We had fun predicting and testing in our Science this week. We worked in teams...
We had a brilliant time at the Young Voices concert at Sheffiled arena. Well done...
Thank you to our wonderful catering team: Simone, Lisa and Jane for our lovely Christmas...
This year's Christmas Performance was Lights, Camel, Action 2! The children gave three fantastic performances...
Thank you to all who attended our Christmas Fayre which was a great success....
Our KS2 children went on a visit to the Dewa Roman experience in Chester. It...
Thank you to everyone who was able to donate a shoebox to the Shoebox Appeal....
On Wednesday afternoon class Pacific hosted an assembly in front of family and friends. We...
This week we have been scientists investigating Light and Dark as well as Materials (what...
During outdoor maths over the last couple of weeks Key Stage 2 have been learning...
In Science this week Year 5 have been investigating the relationship between different surfaces, inclines...
Our KS2 Indoor Athletics team took part in the recent Shelley Pyramid First Schools competition. ...
Some of us had crazy hair for Children in Need. All the classes were given...
We have recently completed our setting descriptions based on the animation Wall-E. Here are some...
As part of Remembrance Day, we created artwork to help us to reflect upon those...
It has taken us weeks to paint our sensational self-portraits to make sure that the...
In Outdoor maths this week Year 5 are learning about square numbers. We tried different...
Our Year 5 children represented the school at the Birdsedge Remembrance Service on the 11th...
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us in St Nicholas' Church for...
Working in their Family Groups the children rotated around five activities based on the theme...
Volunteers from the NSPCC visited us and delivered their special 'Speak out. Stay safe' programme. ...
Today, in our literacy lesson, we took a trip to the future! When we came...
The conclusion of year 5’s science topic on reactions was quite dramatic. We discovered what...
This week we had a visit from Hand to Mouth. We started our lesson by...
Thank you to Rev Steph who officially opened our running track and Sensory Garden last...
This half term Year 3 have been enjoying PE sessions with Andy from Project Sport. ...
Our KS1 Indoor Athletics team took part in an inter-schools competition at Shelley College. They...
P.E. with a difference! We enjoyed making dens and shelters in P.E. with Andy from...
Friday was the annual Year 2 coleslaw make as part of their English reading and...
We have been investigating which material is best for soaking up spills. We practised our...
Reception had a very interesting day at Cannon Hall Farm. They learnt lots about the...
Our After School Dance clubs performed at the Lawrence Batley Theatre towards the end of...
It's good to be back and it's week one of Creative Curriculum. Look how busy...
Class Owl have been mixing primary paints to create the secondary colours, orange, purple, green,...
The KS1 children walked to Cliffe House in Shepley for a day of outdoor learning....
Following a request from some of our KS2 children we invited Urban Strides in to school to...
Thanks to a grant from Denby Dale Parish Council all the children were able to...
Sports' Day was great fun and everyone had a lovely time. We all enjoyed taking...
KS1 children enjoyed and exciting and informative visit to Tropical Butterfly House. ...
Year 4 and 5 children spent 3 days and 2 nights at the Dobroyd Castle...
We released our lovely butterflies into the wild on Friday. We were a little upset...
Once upon a time there was a class called Penguin and this class lived near...
The children worked in pairs to build a winding mechanism to rescue the crashed space...
Year 2 Mathematical surveys. The Year 2 children put their knowledge of tallying to the test...
Here are some of our pieces of writing on the ‘Teacher Pleaser’. We had fun...
In our first Literacy lesson to start the spring term, we began to explore explanation...
We have been finding out about the American festival of Kwanzaa which celebrates those of...
As the winter begins, we have been thinking about how humans and animals adapt to...
Happy New Year from Class Penguin We return to the classroom to find a few changes...
We had a creatively sticky time creating paper plate planets for the aliens we had...
This week we have been busy learning the Christmas Story and thinking about what gifts...
In our literacy lessons, we have been completing and typing up our Remembrance Day poems....
Our Prayers In R.E. we wrote our own prayers about events we had watched on the...
The Rocket In our topic lesson this week we were learning about the Industrial Revolution. As...
We are rockstars! Class Bear have been working really hard to try and get a rock...
In literacy lesson, Class Eagle have been working super hard to edit and improve our...
Year 1 enjoy experiencing different activities during continuous provision first thing in the morning. It...
The children in Class Puffin have been thinking and working like scientists this week. They...
After the fun we had with Massage Stories on Family Day, we decided to continue...
As part of our rhyming learning this week, the Year Ones made a shape teddy...
We have been finding out about how people around the world, from different cultures and...
Year 2 have been enjoying some top class rugby training thanks to the coaching team...
Our Healthy Family Group Day in October helped raise money for Kunzugu Primary School in...
Year 1 and 2 had a fantastic day in Leeds on Tuesday visiting two places...
This week Y1 have been learning to subtract objects and read mathematical symbols. We used...
Titanium Mrs Barrett showed us the music video for the song Titanium. Our class retold the...
This week Class Bear have done a great job of completing their Tudor portraits which...
Year 2 have been building up a number of key physical skills in P.E. this...
Year 2 are busy learning and practising the 10x, 2x and soon the 5x tables. They...
CPR and defibrillator training held in school following the installation of the new defibrillator....
Our KS1 Indoor Athletics team took first place at the recent Shelley Pyramid event. Well...
In maths this week year 5 learnt rules and patterns that would help us with...
This week, after crawling through a smelly, leaf filled tunnel in our classroom, we have...
In literacy lesson, Class Eagle has been exploring setting descriptions. We have based our writing...
Our KS2 Girls' Football team took part in the Shelley Pyramid tournament and came a...
In Class Penguin we enjoy using all our senses to explore the world around us....
Class Penguin had its first Busy Finger Challenge Session this week. With the Year Ones...
In science lessons, Year 4 have been learning about food chains. We began the lesson...
The children in Class Puffin have been finding out how to use an Atlas to...
Class Puffin have started the year by exploring colour mixing with paints. First we mixed secondary...
In R.E last week, we learned about the parable of the wise and foolish man. Like...
In outdoor maths, Class Eagle have been working on place value. Through splitting the gym...
In R.E. we wrote our own prayers about events we had watched on the news....
Our second week in school has been fun as we get used to moving around...
This week we all signed up to Times Tables Rockstars to help us practise our...
This week most of year 5 took part in the Bikeability course. They learnt how...
They year 5s lead an assembly based on the RSPCA's advice about thinking of the...
During PE on a Tuesday this half term Year 5 have been coached by Callum...
This week we have had visitors in to school to tell us about the Easter...
We had fantastic fun dressing up for our French fashion show. This allowed us to...
A rift appeared in our classroom creating a portal to a beach on a sunny...
The last few weeks have been all about Easter. Miss Middleton worked with the class on...
In Outdoor Maths Class Australia have been learning all about 2D shapes. They have been...
All the children in Class Koala really enjoyed their taster cricket session with the cricket...
We have started a new topic! Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking...
After nearly 11 years working at Cumberworth First School our Catering Supervisor, Irene Howard, retired...
Tuesday 13th March 2018 was quite simply the 'Best Day of My Life' according to...
Once again we put on our lab coats and transformed into Super Scientists to help...
Class Koala’s assembly to the school and their parents, presenting their fabulous work from the...
We never stop investigating in Class Panda. This week we listened to a story about...
Once again we have been scientists discovering the properties of different materials. Using our knowledge...
A message from our Year 5 librarians – We really love helping in our school library...
This week in Science, Year 3 children from class Australia have been furthering their study...
Class Koala have started 2018 by looking into the seven day celebration of African Culture...
This week, in ICT, we have been using our Phiros to help develop our programming...
We had an absolutely fantastic time performing at Young Voices in Sheffield Arena. We joined...
We have had a fantastic week settling into our daily phonics and maths lessons but...
We have been reading "The Lion and the Unicorn" by Shirley Hughes and writing a diary...
We had a lovely Christmas Dinner in the final week of term. Thank you to...
Our Christmas production this year was entitled Lights, Camel, Action. This was a jam-packed cast of...
Look at us! Our portraits are finally finished and don’t we look fabulous. It has been...
We used the story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse to help us...
The Year Ones have been giving each other instructions to find the pirates' belongings. We...
Over the last few weeks, in our Creative Curriculum lessons, we have been exploring art,...
Class Australia have been exploring poets and poems in their English lessons. In one of the...
Class Koala enjoyed designing and making a well-balanced salad including essential meat or fish (protein)...
Class Scientist should be our new class name as we have been predicting, giving our...
We were delighted to hand over 89 shoeboxes to the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child...
For our Healthy Family Group Day the children came to school in sports kit ready to tackle activities...
This week we have been thinking about remembrance and respect. We enjoyed the visit from...
Class China have been imagining that they are photographers for a BBC wildlife programme. They...
Class Koala had greasy, grubby fun finding out why wa need to always wash our...
Class Koala really enjoyed their first reward afternoon. We all came dressed in our 'out...
In Class Panda we have been reading about Scarecrows. Our focus story is about Tattybogle,...
Class Koala are always busy first thing in the morning. Year 2 develop and practice...
Class China harvested the last of their allotment vegetables this morning. The spring onions had...
This week, in Literacy, Class Australia finished their character descriptions. These were based on their class...
We enjoy learning and practising maths skills in lots of ways, inside and outside the...
This week our main theme has been our senses. We have learned to name our...
In Class Koala our topic is 'Ourselves'! We've been having lots of fun singing songs,...
Our KS2 Girls' Football team took part in a tournament at Shelley College on 3rd...
This week we have read stories around growing up. We have talked about how we...
In class Australia, we have recently drafted our instructions for how to care for a pet dragon....
We are working hard on our descriptive writing this week based on a scene from...
We are improving our running skills to help us become rounders champions and indoor athletics...
This week in topic lesson we continued exploring the continent of North America, specifically, the...
We have been revising and developing our grammar skills using prepositions....
One of our first maths skills we practised this year was deciphering Roman Numerals....
Class Panda have been learning about the different parts of our bodies and about our...
On Thursday KS2 began the first Creative Curriculum rotation of the year. We all had...
In Class Australia, as part of their literacy lessons, the children have been using mind...
All of our children have now visited the library at least twice. The Year 5...
This week we have been thinking about our feelings. We have been learning to understand...
Class Australia have been learning all about friction. They discussed and predicted what types of surfaces would...
Class Pacific had a fantastic time harvesting the plants they grew earlier this term....
Year 5 entertained us all with their wonderful Leavers' Service at St Nicolas' Church. They...
Year 1 and Year 2 had a brilliant time at Cliffe House - even though...
We all had a great time at Sports' Day....
KS2 had great fun doing co-ordinates outside....
Our Year 4 children had a great time at Shelley College when they took part...
Year 3 took part in a Healthy and Happy Day at Shelley College along with...
Wow - what busy writers Class Owl have been this week! Year 2 have written...
In science this week, we explored how mirrors reflect light by conducting a range of...
This week we have been searching for mini beasts in our outdoor area. We found...
Class Pacific has enjoyed the creative writing challenge designed by Josh....
Year 2 have really enjoyed their cricket with Callum and Jack from Denby Dale Cricket...
This week, in science, we have been furthering our knowledge on the topic of light...
Class Owl and Class Hedgehog had a lovely day out at Tropical Butterfly House....
This week Year 5 have been practising Call Push Rescue (CPR) with inflated manikins. We...
Class Atlantic - Harvesting our crop… This week we have tasted the radishes we planted...
In Year 4 science we have been learning how to build a complete circuit. We...
This week Class Pacific have been working on revising everything we have learnt this year...
This week, we have been continuing our Creative Curriculum work on the theme of Greece...
We have started our last half term together as Class Hedgehog and plan to have...
Class Owl are diving deep down into the depths of an exciting underwater world this...
What a fabulous week Class Owl have had. On Monday afternoon, in small groups, the...
The Yr 5 children enjoyed taking part in a church school transition workshop at St...
Reception had a really great day at Cannon Hall Farm. They enjoyed seeing all the...
This week in literacy, we have completed our setting descriptions on Camp Half Blood, based...
It was exciting finding out what reaction there is when adding tictacs or mentos to...
Class Pacific had a great time playing tag rugby. ...
Class Pacific have produced some fantastic writing based on Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief....
Year 2 had a very hands on afternoon this week following instructions to make coleslaw....
Shhh - don't tell Mrs Barrett! Whilst Years 4 and 5 were away at Robinwood,...
We have been extra busy this week - it's amazing how much we can learn...
As part of maths rotations we use maths games to practise our skills. Richard, Cameron...
What a fantastic night we had at the KS2 Sleepover. 53 children enjoyed a fun...
This week, we have been continuing our work on the theme of Greek quests to...
This week has been jungle and rainforest fun. We have learned a great boogie song...
Class Pacific have done a fantastic job of weeding the allotment and planting out their...
In maths we have been moving ourselves and shapes through a quarter, half and three...
In April Yr 5 were given the opportunity to take part in two days of...
We have been finding out about the animals on the farm. We have sorted animals...
Class Owl had a lovely afternoon being scientists, making predictions and carrying out different experiments....
Class Atlantic have created some effective artwork as a result of drawing and colouring Optical...
We have been practising our ability to work out sequences in our big freeze maths...
In topic, we have been developing our coordinate and grid reference skills to help us when...
Wow! What a fantastic week Class Owl have had! On Tuesday we went on our educational...
KS1 visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park on 4th April. They enjoyed a fantastic and creative...
Unfortunately the Reception and KS1 reading challenge has come to an end. All of you...
We have had an exciting few weeks with our topic work on the Great Fire...
We have beenb busy completing our Faberge inspired eggs. Enjoy your Easter holidays....
Class Pacific have been learning the names of musical instruments in French. We have been...
In Topic Class Atlantic have been studying Alpine plant life and have used this as...
Class Owl really enjoyed their RE activities with Hand to Mouth. They listened carefully to...
For Comic Relief / Red Nose Day we dressed up in clothes with red, white,...
This week we have been designing our own wrapping paper to wrap gifts for Mothers...
Class Owl were able to speak and write with great understanding about what it would...
We painted our own fire. Can you tell the difference between this and our Great...
This week, Class Atlantic have been exploring how alpine plants have adapted to live in...
Busy Fingers - we tried some very sticky and tricky challenges this week. Click here to...
KS2 have been looking at Easter foods in Creative Curriculum. As part of this we...
We recreated our own Great Fire of London under the watchful eyes of fire fighters...
Our KS1 Football team played really well in the recent Shelley Pyramid Tournament and came...
We have started our work on the Great Fire of London and have looked at...
Class Pacific have been working really hard practising different mathematical strategies to solve challenges in...
In science this week, we learnt all about how water is transported through flowers. We...
Class Atlantic have lots of work to 'bee' proud of this week. From amazing extended...
Reception children really enjoy Stay and Play sessions when the grown ups come and join...
Class Owl have been investigating how pushes and pulls work as opposites to make things...
Reception children really enjoy Stay and Play sessions when grown-ups come to visit the class...
We've started our Great Fire of London work and looked at the differences between new...
Despite the muddy conditions our KS2 Football Team came 5th out of 13 teams in...
Class Owl’s Assembly for Parents was on Wednesday 1st March. We enjoyed sharing our maths...
Today year 5 used their knowledge of reversible changes to help others. First they rescued a...
We had a lovely time sharing the joy of reading with each other, created book...
Class Owl shared some of the work they have been doing with their parents and...
It was Safer Internet Day on 7th February and the children were reminded about how...
PC Pete visited for a ‘Safety Day’. We were delighted to welcome PC Pete Whitehouse...
We have worked together in groups to create some animations. On 16th February KS2 had...
In RE we’ve been learning about the Golden Rule not only in respect of Christianity...
It was our Class Assembly on 15th February and we loved sharing some of our...
Outdoor maths is always fun and we have created 3D shapes using sticks and twigs....
Using persuasive writing techniques we’ve been writing adverts to help Mr McKay sell his car. ...
We had fun planning and building a home for hedgehogs. We were a bit worried...
We are always busy in Class Hedgehog doing lots of exciting things. We have especially...
We have invented our own planets, giving them names and describing what type of planet...
Helping Hands organised a Christmas Fayre on 3rd December. We were delighted that Father Christmas...
Thank you to everyone who donated a shoebox filled with gifts for the Operation Christmas...
Further to the cricket coaching that the children had been given in school we were...
Our Drama Club gave a performance of Treasure Island on our new stage. The performance...
Children in Year 1 and Year 2 visited Cliffe House in Shepley on Thursday 14th...
Year 3 took part in a Pyramid Sport Day at Shelley College joining with other...
Our ‘new starters’ visited for three afternoons in June prior to them starting full time...
Yr 4 and 5 visited Robinwood Activity Centre. They had a fantastic time - look...