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Class Australia - Shapes March 2018

In Outdoor Maths Class Australia have been learning all about 2D shapes.  They have been...


Skeletons - Year 3

This week in Science, Year 3 children from class Australia have been furthering their study...


Phiro Robots

This week, in ICT, we have been using our Phiros to help develop our programming...


World Arts and Crafts - Class Australia

Over the last few weeks, in our Creative Curriculum lessons, we have been exploring art,...


Poets and Poems - Class Australia

Class Australia have been exploring poets and poems in their English lessons. In one of the...


Character Descriptions

This week, in Literacy, Class Australia finished their character descriptions.  These were based on their class...


How to Care for a Pet Dragon

In class Australia, we have recently drafted our instructions for how to care for a pet dragon....


USA Number Plates

This week in topic lesson we continued exploring the continent of North America, specifically, the...


KS2 Creative Curriculum

On Thursday KS2 began the first Creative Curriculum rotation of the year.  We all had...


Class Australia - Good Writing

In Class Australia, as part of their literacy lessons, the children have been using mind...


Class Australia - Learning about Friction

Class Australia have been learning all about friction. They discussed and predicted what types of surfaces would...