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Free Online Books

If you wish to use some additional resources to support reading Oxford Owl have lots...


Coronavirus Resources

Resources for children and young people with worries or concerns about cornovirus.  See document in...


Dewa Visit - 2019

Our KS2 children went on a visit to the Dewa Roman experience in Chester.  It...


Wall-E Setting Descriptions

We have recently completed our setting descriptions based on the animation Wall-E. Here are some...


We Will Remember Them

As part of Remembrance Day, we created artwork to help us to reflect upon those...


Our trip to the future!

Today, in our literacy lesson, we took a trip to the future! When we came...


Hand to Mouth - Class Atlantic

This week we had a visit from Hand to Mouth.  We started our lesson by...


Yr 3 PE with Project Sport

This half term Year 3 have been enjoying PE sessions with Andy from Project Sport. ...


Creative Curriculum

It's good to be back and it's week one of Creative Curriculum.  Look how busy...