Year 3 - Outdoor Maths
In outdoor maths today year 3 have been learning about symmetry. We looked at symmetry...
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In outdoor maths today year 3 have been learning about symmetry. We looked at symmetry...
We all enjoyed taking part in the Young Voices Biggest Sing. First we got our...
This week, in creative curriculum, Class Australia made their very own clay dragons! Following on...
In our Year 4 science lesson we continued learning about electricity by making circuits that...
In Class Australia, we are well on our way to completing our friendly monsters. Following...
In Year 3, we have been all wiggles and giggles as we learnt about the...
Class Australia have been busy getting ready for Easter! We've learnt about the 14 Stations...
Class Australia have been continuing their exploration of all things 'Potter' and within a recent...
Class Australia have been using their writing skills to produce some wonderful winter poems....
Class Australia had fun playing in the snow on Friday....
Class Australia have been developing their computer coding skills by using ‘Block Coding’ commands within...
In Year 3, children have been investigating friction and experimenting with which surfaces have the...
Class Australia made their own Pete Cromer inspired artwork. They look great on display around...
Would you like a dragon as a pet? If so, read the reports that Class...
In creative curriculum, children from Class Australia have been learning about Ndebele art and the...
Class Austrailia had a very busy PE lesson....
Our Year 4 children have been working hard in French this week with Mrs Vernoum...
Our year 3 children have been working hard in their Comprehension lessons with Mr McKay...