Year 5 - Scrabble
Year 5 practiced their spelling this week with a quick game of scrabble....
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Year 5 practiced their spelling this week with a quick game of scrabble....
Class China’s Gardening Gang have done such a good job growing salad for us all...
Class China have loved practicing their coordinate and compass skills in outdoor maths by drawing...
We all enjoyed taking part in the Young Voices Biggest Sing. First we got our...
We made 3D shapes from art straws to help us remember their properties....
Our Year 5 children are back with the second instalment of the Cumberworth Chronical....
For P.E. this week Class China has been practising for Sports' Day. They worked brilliantly...
A group of children in Class China were very keen to get our allotment up...
Class China had a very active and enthusiastic game of dodgeball when the heavy rain...
Class China wishes everyone a Happy Easter in French. They have learnt about Easter traditions...
Year 5 have been investigating friction in science. They worked as teams to discover the...
A few Year 5’s decided that they would like to write a newspaper style blog...
Inspired by the book Charlotte's Web the children in Class China drew spiders, created webs...
Year 5 had their first taste of ratio this week using coloured bottle tops and...
Our school councillors from Class China did a fantastic job decorating our Christmas Tree in...
This morning Year 5 have been learning how to play Chess. Some pupils already knew...
Year 5 were unable to attend a Remembrance service this year but we still took...
We continue to take part in our daily run as a way to increase our...
WOW! Look at the work Class China have done to design and make their very...
We had great game of Indoor Silent Rounders in PE....
We are Class China and this is our Dragon of Discovery – he’s amazing isn’t...
Class China have been creating their own Willow Pattern plates....
This week Year 5 conducted experiments into properties and changes of materials. They mixed vitamin...
In our art lessons over the last few weeks Class China have been introduced to...
Guided Reading in the gym with Mrs Vernoum and Mrs Gibbins....
Some of Class China have been doing a fantastic job at gardening in the Sensory...
Our Year 4 children have been working hard in French this week with Mrs Vernoum...