Class Bear - River Study
The children in Class Bear went on a visit to the River Dearne, Upper Cumberworth...
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The children in Class Bear went on a visit to the River Dearne, Upper Cumberworth...
Year 5 enjoyed a transition event run by Hand to Mouth at Flockton Church. They...
Earlier this month most of year 5 took part in the Bikeability course. They learnt how...
The Year 4 and 5 children spent 3 days at the Dobroyd Castle Robinwood Activity...
Class Bear had a great time investigating the different courses of a river geography. They...
Well done to the KS2 children, they all worked really hard to learn their lines...
As part of PE Class Bear have been learning some Bollywood dance moves. It really...
This week, Key Stage 2 took part in an online event with the author and...
On Thursday 10th March we joined with other local organisations and ‘turned Kirklees pink for...
As part of Key Stage 2s continuing topic of Ancient Egypt Mrs Hobson arranged a...
Last week Class Bear visited Bagshaw Museum. All the children really enjoyed themselves and took...
The birdboxes that we painted have been placed in Upper and Lower Stephen Woods. If you would...
Some of the Year 5s led an assembley about St Nicholas last week....
Class Bear are really enjoying learning to play the African drums and learning about rhythm,...
As part of our work with our local countryside officer, we have designed and painted...
Class Bear practised their throwing and catching skills during P.E. in the sunshine today ready...
Ella, a coach from Utopia gymnastics, led our Year 3 & 4 PE lesson on...
Some of our Year 5 children attended the lunchtime gymnastics club run by Ella from...
The children and staff enjoyed a lovely Christmas Dinner on Wednesday. ...
In Science year 5 have been investigating how we can separate mixtures. They have a...
Our whole school remembered all those who lost their lives in conflict on Remembrance Day. ...
A small group of Year 5 led our assembly about World Peace. Despite a minor...
4 times a week Class Bear do a daily run around our track. This helps...
In Science we are learning about the digestive system. The children enjoyed replicating the journey...
Year 5 have been exploring what makes them and other people unique. They have some...
This week in outdoor maths (which was in indoor because of the weather) we have...
Our first Creative Curriculum lesson of the year happened on Thursday. Mrs Vernoum’s group were...
Class Bear have had a wonderful first week back and have already produced some amazing...