KS1 Visit to Cliffe House
Year 1 and Year 2 had a brilliant time at Cliffe House - even though...
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Year 1 and Year 2 had a brilliant time at Cliffe House - even though...
Wow - what busy writers Class Owl have been this week! Year 2 have written...
Year 2 have really enjoyed their cricket with Callum and Jack from Denby Dale Cricket...
Class Owl and Class Hedgehog had a lovely day out at Tropical Butterfly House....
Class Owl are diving deep down into the depths of an exciting underwater world this...
What a fabulous week Class Owl have had. On Monday afternoon, in small groups, the...
Year 2 had a very hands on afternoon this week following instructions to make coleslaw....
Shhh - don't tell Mrs Barrett! Whilst Years 4 and 5 were away at Robinwood,...
In maths we have been moving ourselves and shapes through a quarter, half and three...
Class Owl had a lovely afternoon being scientists, making predictions and carrying out different experiments....
Wow! What a fantastic week Class Owl have had! On Tuesday we went on our educational...
KS1 visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park on 4th April. They enjoyed a fantastic and creative...
Unfortunately the Reception and KS1 reading challenge has come to an end. All of you...
Class Owl really enjoyed their RE activities with Hand to Mouth. They listened carefully to...
Class Owl were able to speak and write with great understanding about what it would...
Class Owl have been investigating how pushes and pulls work as opposites to make things...
Class Owl’s Assembly for Parents was on Wednesday 1st March. We enjoyed sharing our maths...
We have invented our own planets, giving them names and describing what type of planet...