The Little Pigs' House
Once again we put on our lab coats and transformed into Super Scientists to help...
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Once again we put on our lab coats and transformed into Super Scientists to help...
We never stop investigating in Class Panda. This week we listened to a story about...
Once again we have been scientists discovering the properties of different materials. Using our knowledge...
We have had a fantastic week settling into our daily phonics and maths lessons but...
We used the story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse to help us...
The Year Ones have been giving each other instructions to find the pirates' belongings. We...
Class Scientist should be our new class name as we have been predicting, giving our...
In Class Panda we have been reading about Scarecrows. Our focus story is about Tattybogle,...
This week our main theme has been our senses. We have learned to name our...
This week we have read stories around growing up. We have talked about how we...
Class Panda have been learning about the different parts of our bodies and about our...
This week we have been thinking about our feelings. We have been learning to understand...