All About Easter
The last few weeks have been all about Easter. Miss Middleton worked with the class on...
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The last few weeks have been all about Easter. Miss Middleton worked with the class on...
All the children in Class Koala really enjoyed their taster cricket session with the cricket...
We have started a new topic! Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking...
Class Koala’s assembly to the school and their parents, presenting their fabulous work from the...
Class Koala have started 2018 by looking into the seven day celebration of African Culture...
Look at us! Our portraits are finally finished and don’t we look fabulous. It has been...
The Year Ones have been giving each other instructions to find the pirates' belongings. We...
Class Koala enjoyed designing and making a well-balanced salad including essential meat or fish (protein)...
Class Koala had greasy, grubby fun finding out why wa need to always wash our...
Class Koala really enjoyed their first reward afternoon. We all came dressed in our 'out...
Class Koala are always busy first thing in the morning. Year 2 develop and practice...
We enjoy learning and practising maths skills in lots of ways, inside and outside the...
In Class Koala our topic is 'Ourselves'! We've been having lots of fun singing songs,...