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Parent View

Parent Responses

Our daughter has absolutely loved school this year. I’m really pleased with this report and it’s good to see and hear that she has been working hard. I’m hoping this hard work will continue into next year.


Thank you so much for your lovely words about our daughter. Were so very proud of her she has absolutely lover her first year at school. As our daughter is our first child, we’ve had no experiences of school life for a long time. We’ve been completely blown away the teaching, care and level of effort from all the teachers and staff to make school life enjoyable and enriching. It has been wonderful seeing the progression in our daughters writing and reading this year and hearing all her enthusiastic accounts about people, lessons and play.


Thank you for all you have done for our son this year, he has had a great year. I am really pleased with his progress and his effort.


Thank you so much for our son’s school report, we agree with everything you have written and you clearly know our son well. Our son always takes time to ‘warm’ to new people and with the changes around school this year, I agree with you, he has steadily grown in confidence in and around the new faces as the months have ticked by. Our son thrives from feeling valued and praised so thank you for noticing that and ‘lifting him’ when he needed it.


Thank you so much for a wonderful fun packed first year at school for our daughter. Leaving her in your hands at just 4 years old was daunting but you soon reassured us. Knowing that our daughter had reached ‘expected’ in all areas was the ‘icing on the cake’ for her first year. As parents we know our daughter appears to be academic but for you to see, nurture and acknowledge it in her report is just amazing – thank you!


We are really proud of how much our daughter has thrived this year, she has thoroughly enjoyed the whole year and honestly loves going to school each day, so thank you! We hope this continues next year!


Since starting school at Cumberworth School our daughter has flourished. She is so much happier in herself, she comes to school with no resistance at all. Even on PE days! I have seen a huge improvement in our daughter academically too. Our daughter is now driven to complete her homework without me prompting her. Thank you to all the staff at Cumberworth for helping our daughter enjoy school and for helping to make her happy about attending. Our daughter is 1000 times happier and I wish I had moved her sooner. Thank you


We are really proud of our sons report this year. Thank you for giving him a great start to school. He’s loved his year in reception and he’s looking forward to being a year 1!


OFSTED Parent View

200x200-small-square Parent View gives you the chance to tell us what you think about your child's school. Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child's school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. We will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when. You can access Parent view here: